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VSDS’ Role in Decarbonising the Water Industry

VSDS’ Role in Decarbonising the Water Industry

Martin Richardson, Water Framework Manager at ABB, explains how variable speed drives (VSDs) can represent an easy and cost-effective way for the water industry to progress rapidly to Net Zero. Electric motors account for a significant proportion of the...

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On-site Flow Products Verification and Health Check

On-site Flow Products Verification and Health Check

Verification services provide the best possible check of product performance and health without removing the product from the process.   Why verify your product's health and accuracy?   It is essential to carry out periodic product verifications to ensure performance...

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What every engineer should know about energy saving

What every engineer should know about energy saving

Energy saving is a big topic of discussion across all industries with some seeing an increase in bills of 800%. We all are becoming more conscious of how to save energy and costs; how can we reduce the impact on your cost of sales?   Electric motors are responsible...

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Four Reasons to Invest in Better Energy Efficiency

Equipping pumps, fans and compressors with variable speed drives (VSDs) does not only save energy but increases profitability of operations as well. Pumps, fans and compressors are often run at constant speed, with control of flow rate and destination...

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EnergySave Calculator

EnergySave Calculator

Calculate how much energy and money you could save by using ABB drives while also deriving other benefits such as soft starting and stopping, an improved power factor, and connection into process automation. EnergySave is a user-friendly and interactive tool for...

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Digital Verification to Ensure Optimum Flowmeter Performance

Digital Verification to Ensure Optimum Flowmeter Performance

Flow measurement is a key measurement for many Industrial plant, be it from water abstraction and discharge licences through to process control measurement. The difficulty facing many users is the annual maintenance and checks to prove that the flowmeter is still...

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Latest News

VSDS’ Role in Decarbonising the Water Industry

Martin Richardson, Water Framework Manager at ABB, explains how variable speed drives (VSDs) can represent an easy and cost-effective way for the water industry to progress rapidly to Net Zero. Electric motors account for a significant proportion of the...

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